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The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, said:

Allah has not sent any disease without revealing its cure.” The currently available cure is the diet.

This Society has been established aiming at providing the patients with all what they need, including but not limited to: the necessary information based on valid medical opinions, food recipes to ensure meeting their main needs and financial support for those in need. Noting that the services are to be provided within the capability of the Society as it would offer food alternatives to complement their needs.

On the 9th of Sep. 2018, the Society has been established to fulfill its role in social responsibility, community participation and providing clarification on all the issues related to the celiac and non-celiac gluten sensitivity diseases. Due to the fact that the Society is recently established and still in its early initiation, it decided to communicate with specialists and observers who have multiple international experiences and who proved their success through leveraging their experiences and transferring it, noting that such experience would be adapted to suit the context of our country and the circumstances of those who suffer.

Th Society’s role is to support the patient and sharpen his exertion through organizing support groups for the members suffering from the same concern. All the details of this illness would be our main concern and priority as it is still undergoing scientific researches and studies,  hence, the Society aspires to serve as a reliable reference in everything a patient would need to end up reaching together the safety zone. We uphold to promoting the principle of dissemination of documented information to the people who are diagnosed or those who suffer from its symptoms.


The Care-Providers Society for Celiac and Non-Celiac Patients has been established by celiac patients who suffered from the exploitation of the community to their needs. However, we added the word “Care” because it reflects a part of the Society’s efforts to help its members to successfully overcome the obstacles they face and to acquire the abilities and skills that help them to be self-sufficient and capable.